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After having calculate SIFT or ORB on a frame, how to real time track the object in a video?

Bascially I want to detect an object and than track it in a video (frame-by-frame).

I can detect it on the first frame with for example ORB or SIFT. But for the next frames (or say next XX frames) I would like to avoid to calulcate again all the keypoints (ORB or SIFT) to detect it again.

Considering I want to track it in a video real time, what could I do ?


  • A common option is using a patchtracker. That means that you just search for keypoints in an area of, for example, 8 pixels around the previous frame keypoint. You can perform cv::matchTemplate() of an area surrounding the keypoint, instead of using SIFT.

    Performing a pyramidal search helps to improve frame-rate. You first search at a lower scale, if you cannot find the keypoint you double the scale.

    If patchtracker fails, because the image moves too fast, you just have to reinitialize the system by applying SIFT again. I would use FAST instead of SIFT. You can use SIFT for the marker, and then FAST for detecting keypoints real-time, generating SIFT descriptors.