How can I use LIKE expression for case insensitive filtering in hibernate?
The corresponding entry in my hibernate file is:
<filter name="applicantNameFilter" condition="first_name LIKE :nameFilter"/>
Try this
<filter name="applicantNameFilter" condition="first_name ILIKE :nameFilter"/>
<filter name="applicantNameFilter" condition="UPPER(first_name) LIKE UPPER(:nameFilter)"/>
For Reference
Using ILIKE:
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE textfield ILIKE 'value%';
Using Regexp operators (see Functions and Operators in the docs):
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE textfield ~* 'value';
Using UPPER() or LOWER() to change the case of the field before comparison; this approach can be better than 1) or 2) because these functions may be indexed, and thus if you are doing a "begins with" or "exact match" search your query may be indexed:
SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE UPPER(textfield) LIKE (UPPER('value') || '%');
If most of your searches are "anywhere in field" searches on large text fields, I'd reccomend a look at the two "full text search" tools available in PostgreSQL, one in the /contrib of your source, the second from
This is java code
User criteria as
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Person.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("first_name", first_name, MatchMode.ANYWHERE));