In order to try to use a dialog box instead of MessageBox I used the next code:
static public DialogResult ShowDialog(string title, string largeHeading, string smallExplanation,
string leftButton, string rightButton, Image iconSet)
using (BetterDialog dialog = new BetterDialog(title, largeHeading, smallExplanation, leftButton,
rightButton, iconSet))
DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();
return result;
for more details, this code is found here
Then I used a button click event to call the dialog box as follows:
private void btnDialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BetterDialog dialogBox = new BetterDialog("Special Dialog", "large heading", "small explanation", null, "Ok", null);
I got the Error:
'DotNetPerls.BetterDialog' does not contain a constructor that takes 6 arguments.
What's wrong, Any idea please ?
I guess that the BetterDialog
constructor that takes 6 arguments is private (or protected) and not public...
that means that the interface to use it is not by the constructor, but through the static methods only:
private void btnDialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult result = BetterDialog.ShowDialog("Special Dialog", "large heading", "small explanation", null, "Ok", null);
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
// Do what you want to do when OK button is pressed