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Getting an image's original width and height in jQuery

I need to get the original width and height of an image given a specific source. My current method is:

img.tag = "<img style='display:none;' src='" + img.src + "' />";
img.Owidth = 0;
img.Oheight = 0;

$(img.tag).load(function() {
    img.Owidth = $(this).width();
    img.Oheight = $(this).height();

With Owidth and Oheight being the original dimensions of the loaded image. I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this given that:

  • The image could either already be loaded, but displayed at a different size than its original size.
  • The image has not yet been loaded at all


  • Cross-Browser:

    jsFiddle demo

        var width  = this.width,
            height = this.height; 
        alert( 'W='+ width +' H='+ height);
    }).attr("src", "image.jpg");

    HTMLImageElement properties / HTML5 compliant browsers

    If you want to investigate about all the HTMLImageElement properties:
    Many of those properties are available already in modern, HTML5 compliant browsers, and accessible using jQuery's .prop() metod

    jsFiddle demo

    var $img = $("#myImage");
        $img.prop("naturalWidth") +'\n'+  // Width  (Natural)
        $img.prop("naturalHeight") +'\n'+ // Height (Natural)
        $img.prop("width") +'\n'+         // Width  (Rendered)
        $img.prop("height") +'\n'+        // Height (Rendered)
        $img.prop("x") +'\n'+             // X offset
        $img.prop("y")                    // Y offset ... 