I have to format the programming code that several people have dumped in. So I have to make sure that there are not double spaces, all classes have a comment etc.. Anyways I am having a hard time creating this find and replaces because of the new line... In other words some chunks have:
// this is some comment \r\n
// some other line \r\n
other chunks just have:
// bla bla bla \n
// bla bla bla \n
other chunks
// bla bla bla \r
// bla bla bla \r
lastly other chunks have
// bla bla \n\r
// bla bla \n\r
because of this differences I am having a harder time to create the regexes.
So my question is how can I replace all possibilities (\r\n
, \n
, \r
, \n\r
) into \r\n? so that:
var a = "\n\r\n\rHelloWorld";
var b = "\r\n\n\rHelloWorld";
var c = "\r\rHelloWorld";
var d = "\n\nHelloWorld";
all turn out to be: "\r\n\r\nHelloWorld"
note that all variables a, b, c, and d =
-> HelloWorld
they all look the same on visual studio...
I think what you need to do is replace CR possibly followed by LF, or LF possibly followed by CR:
Search: \r\n?|\n\r?
Replace: \r\n