I'be trying to add a chain method to the Query object called "paginate". If I add it to query.js I can use it without any problems. However, it's not a good idea to modify one of the core files.
I'm using this code I found with some modifications and want it to be part of the Query prototype, but I haven't had any success on making it work out of Query.js.
How can I accomplish this? Are there any docs on how to extends any of these core files through a module? I haven't found anything that works for me.
mongoose.Query.prototype.paginate = function(page, limit, cb) {
var model, query, skipFrom;
if (page == null) {
page = 1;
if (limit == null) {
limit = 10;
query = this;
model = this.model;
skipFrom = (page * limit) - limit;
query = query.skip(skipFrom).limit(limit);
if (cb) {
return query.run(function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
return cb(err, null, null);
} else {
return model.count(query._conditions, function(err, total) {
return cb(null, total, docs);
} else {
throw new Error("pagination needs a callback as the third argument.");
Turns out it was a lot easier than what I expected. This is what I did and it worked:
Created a paginate.js file with:
mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Query.prototype.paginate = function(aPageStart, aLimit, aCallback) {
var model, query;
if (aLimit == null) {
aLimit = 10;
query = this;
model = this.model;
query = query.skip(aPageStart).limit(aLimit);
if (aCallback) {
return query.run(function(aError, aDocs) {
if (aError) {
return aCallback(aError, null, null);
} else {
return model.count(query._conditions, function(aError, aTotal) {
return aCallback(null, aTotal, aDocs);
} else {
throw new Error("pagination needs a callback as the third argument.");
and just require it where needed (In my model in this case).
Then you can call this method as the last of the chain.