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Hybrid App - Using the iPhone number keyboard, can I add a decimal point?

I'm using html to tell Safari to use the iPhone's number keyboard inside my hybrid app. As I want to add decimal numbers, this is close, but not quite good enough for the purpose of its use. Does anyone know how easy/hard to is to add a decimal point to this keyboard? Is it possible through Javascript or an equivalent? Or is this specifically a native fix? Any thoughts are welcomed. See the link below for an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

Thank you!


  • this is not possible, however there is a slight hack, which you can use.

    Look at this link -

    Once the user starts writing/typing in the field it starts adding the numbers this way - 0.01 -> 0.12 -> 1.23 -> 12.34 . So this can be used for similar effect.

    Also here is a overview of the input types for web apps, where you can see it is not possible to use the input type with numbers and a decimal point.