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Positioning DIVs to the sides of a centered container

I have a main container DIV for the content of my page, that is horizontally centered:


<div id="master_container">
  .. my content here ...


#master_container {width: 960px; margin: 0 auto;}

Client wants to have adverts at both sides of the page, outside of the master_container. I tried various CSS to try and position those divs but when window is resized, they overlap with the master_container. Also, I am asked to have them float when the page is scrolled.

Can anyone please direct me to the correct solution? Thanks in advance...


  • >> DEMO <<

    [Note that I used a 700px width for #master_container]

    1. Positioning

    Most important CSS is the styling and positioning of the adverts, which I have given the class .advertis:

    .advertis {
        position: fixed; /*creates floating effect */
        top: 20px; /* divs will always stay 20px from top */
        width: 220px;
        padding: 10px;
        background: white;
        border: #ccc 1px solid;
        border-radius: 4px;
    #left {
        margin-left: -613px; left: 50%; /* positioning of left ads */
    #right {
        margin-right: -613px; right: 50%; /* positioning of right ads */

    I can hear you wonder: how do I calculate the margin that I need? Simple:

    Get width of #master_container (including padding) = 720px. Divide it by 2 = 360px. Add the width of the ad (including padding and border) = 242px. 240px + 360px = 600px. Add the space that you want to have between the container and the ad = 11px (in my case).

    242px (full width of ad) + 360px (half of container) + 11px (space between ad and container) = 613px (margin needed)

    2. Hiding when window too small

    Now you want to hide the ads when they don't fit in the window any more. You have options for that:

    • Media Queries
    • jQuery (or JavaScript or another of its libraries)

    In the first jsFiddle I have used media queries (not supported by all browsers). In this Fiddle, I have used jQuery to get the same effect.

    function widthCheck() {
        var ads = $(".advertis");
        if ($(window).width() < 1225) {
        else {
    widthCheck(); // Execute onLoad
        widthCheck();  // Execute whenever a user resizes the window

    It's up to you to choose which one you want to use. I'll list a few pros and cons, so you can choose for yourself.

    Pros media queries:

    • modern, progressive
    • works, even when JS is disabled


    • not supported by all browsers

    Pros jQuery:

    • supported by (as good as) all browsers


    • does not work when JS is disabled
    • not as progressive as media queries