I used following code to catch motion notify events on a Gtk::TreeView.
// This is the Gtk::Builder from which i read my tree view.
builder_ptr->get_widget("treeview", m_treeview_ptr);
// Connecting that event.
m_treeview_ptr->add_events(Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
sigc::mem_fun(this, &LayoutEditorDialog::_on_motion_notify));
My slot function looks like this:
bool LayoutEditorDialog::_on_motion_notify(GdkEventMotion* event) const
// Just a test.
std::cout << event->x << " " << event->y << std::endl;
Somhow no motion notify events will be sent from the tree view. Can someone help me here? Thanks!
I just needed to use connect_notify instead of notify, because my signal is from a event.