I am almost a newbie in Java technologies (exluding programming foundation at school). But I am interested in NP problems and I want to have a look into Drools Planner.
So I am trying to install Drool Planner following this tutorial.
I have downloaded and unzipped the archive into my Eclipse root directory. The tutorial states that restarting Eclipse after unzipping the archive in the proper directory should have enabled Drools Perspective.
But no Drools perspective is available. Where am I wrong?
Eventually I followed the instructions in ReadMeDroolsJbpmTools.txt included in the droolsjbpm-tools-distribution-5.4.0.Final.zip archive:
- Open Eclipse.
- Open the menu "Help", menu item "Install new software..."
- Click on the button "Add..." to add a new software site.
- Fill in the name "drools local update site"
- Click on the button "Local..." and select ".../binaries/org.drools.updatesite"
- Select all the plugins. Click the buttons "Next" and "Finish".
Now I succeed in opening Drool Perspective.