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How to generate the .htpasswd with MD5 encryption with ANT?

I'm programming a ant task whitch create folders on a FTP linux based server, and i would like to make it generate the .htaccess file and the .htpasswd file.

I need to write passwords in the .htpasswd with the MD5 encryption (or other encryption methods), how i can do that ?

Thanks all ;)


  • you can call an external executable from your ant file - although that means that it will need to have access to that executable. This may do the trick:

    <target name="update-htpasswd">
      <exec executable="/usr/bin/htpasswd">
        <arg value="-bm"/>
        <arg value="${passwordfile}"/>
        <arg value="${username}"/>
        <arg value="${plain-password}"/>

    Guaranteed correct format. Otherwise, you can write your own ant task and call it. Java has built-in MD5 libraries, so you would only have to generate the correct password line in java and append it to the password file. That would be more portable.