I'm trying to implement Prim maze generation algorithm:
Removing some implementation details my implementation looks like this:
Cell[][] maze
is the matrix with cells. each cell has left/right/up/button walls. the frontiers walls marked as boolean frontier
and are not part of implementation because I want to keep my maze framed.
public Cell[][] prim(){
List<Wall> walls = new ArrayList<Wall>();
//Pick a cell, mark it as part of the maze
int initialCellI = rnd(sizeX)-1;
int initialCellJ = rnd(sizeY)-1;
Cell randomCell = maze[initialCellI][initialCellJ];
//Add the walls of the cell to the wall list.
if ((randomCell.getLeft() != null) && (!randomCell.getLeft().isFrontier()))
if ((randomCell.getRight() != null) && (!randomCell.getRight().isFrontier()))
if ((randomCell.getButtom() != null) && (!randomCell.getButtom().isFrontier()))
if ((randomCell.getUp() != null) && (!randomCell.getUp().isFrontier()))
//While there are walls in the list:
while (!walls.isEmpty()){
//Pick a random wall from the list.
Wall randomWall = randomElement(walls);
//pick the cell opposite to this wall.
Cell opositeSideCell = getNeightbourCell(randomWall, maze);
if (opositeSideCell.isPartOftheMaze()){
//If the cell on the opposite side already was in the maze, remove the wall from the list.
// Make the wall a passage and mark the cell on the opposite side as part of the maze.
this.removeWall(randomWall, maze);
//Add the walls of the cell to the wall list.
if ((opositeSideCell.getLeft() != null) && (!opositeSideCell.getLeft().isFrontier()))
if ((opositeSideCell.getRight() != null) && (!opositeSideCell.getRight().isFrontier()))
if ((opositeSideCell.getButtom() != null) && (!opositeSideCell.getButtom().isFrontier()))
if ((opositeSideCell.getUp() != null) && (!opositeSideCell.getUp().isFrontier()))
return maze;
My problem is that my maze is not completed and not all cells are traversed. Sometimes a few cells only traversed, almost all cells are done. I believe I'm missing something bur can't figure out what.
Please help.
See picture below for partial traversed maze.
Well, I solved this issue. This pure Java issue and has nothing to do with algorithm. I compared between two walls.
public class Wall{
Point p1;
Point p2;
public class Point{
int x;
int y;
If I implement Wall class equals() and hashCode() using p1 and p2. then in leftCell.rightWall will be equal to rightCell.leftWall and it was the problem.