I have HTML that contains some Unicode characters, and saved in "UTF-8" to disk. I can use less to display it, all characters displayed well:
But when I use "wkhtmltopdf" to convert it to PDF, it shows broken characters:
My command is:
wkhtmltopdf --encoding utf-8 book.html book.pdf
How to fix this?
Finally I found the reason: I don't have unicode fonts in my ubuntu server.
I upload some truetype fonts from my local ubuntu to the server, everything works fine.
freewind@freewind:/usr/share/fonts$ cd truetype/
freewind@freewind:/usr/share/fonts/truetype$ ls
arphic ttf-dejavu ttf-lao
freefont ttf-devanagari-fonts ttf-liberation
kochi ttf-gujarati-fonts ttf-malayalam-fonts
msttcorefonts ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-oriya-fonts
openoffice ttf-japanese-gothic.ttf ttf-punjabi-fonts
sazanami ttf-japanese-mincho.ttf ttf-tamil-fonts
takao ttf-kacst-one ttf-telugu-fonts
thai ttf-kannada-fonts unfonts
ttf-bengali-fonts ttf-khmeros-core wqy
I simply upload them all, it fix this problem, although I don't know which font is the key.