Like the tittle says i was wondering if you could lets say make a Getter and in the same method clear it before exiting the method.
public StringBuffer Answer = new StringBuffer();
public synchronized String getAnswer() {
synchronized(Answer) {
return Answer.toString();
// Clear Anwser here?
Example 2: With Try and Finaly block:
public synchronized String getAnswer() {
synchronized(Answer) {
return Answer.toString();
Answer.delete(0, Answer.length());
Yes of course, simply create a temporary variable holding the string you want to return.
public StringBuffer answer = new StringBuffer();
public synchronized String getAnswer() {
synchronized(answer) {
String returnValue = answer.toString();
answer.setLength(0); // clear the buffer.
return returnValue;
Notice that I changed Answer
to answer
. It is a common convention in most programming languages that variables start with a lowercase character.
Also consider using a StringBuilder
, it is not synchronized which makes it a bit faster than StringBuffer.