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Using ConfigurationManager cannot read config

I tried to use ConfigurationManager for the first time so thats what I did:

1.) created a new Project (TestProject) 2.) rightclick on TestProject -> Add -> New Item -> Application Configuration File (Name: Conf.config) 3.) I edited the file so its looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="key1" value="output1"/>
    <add key="key2" value="output2"/>
    <add key="key3" value="output3"/>

Now If I try to read the config my code is telling me that its empty :/

    NameValueCollection appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;

    if (appSettings.Count == 0) //always true
        Console.WriteLine("something is wrong");

Even if I try ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key1"] I dont get any output. Hm what am I doing wrong?


  • If you are doing testing, then try to mock your environment, instead of accessing configuration files, database, etc.

    public interface IFooConfiguration
        public string Key1 { get; }
        public string Key2 { get; }
        public string Key3 { get; }

    Implement this interface like this:

    public class FooConfiguration
       public string Key1
          get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key1"]; }

    But for your testing, use mocked configuration (I used Moq for example):

    Mock<IFooConfiguration> mock = new Mock<IFooConfiguration>();
    mock.Setup(foo => foo.Key1).Returns("output1");
    var sut = new Sut(mock.Object);

    BTW application configuration file should have name App.config.