I would like to know whether it is possible to use an abstract factory as a strategy, e.g. nesting the two patterns and call the factory class a strategy as well.
I provided an example to illustrate my question. The class ShoppingMall
would be the context class, while PizzaStore
would be the abstract factory in question I would consider to be a strategy in this case as well.
// interface of context class, mostly a wrapper
// uses 3 different strategies
interface ShoppingMall
PizzaStore GetPizzaStore();
ParkingLot GetParkingLot();
Adverts GetAdverts();
void CustomerArrives();
// abstract factory & strategy interface?
interface PizzaStore
Pizza CreatePizzaCheese();
Pizza CreatePizzaVeggie();
Pizza CreatePizzaClam();
Pizza CreatePizzaPepperoni();
// strategy interface
interface ParkingLot
void Pay();
// strategy interface
interface Adverts
void CreateSpam();
class PizzaStoreChicago implements PizzaStore {}
class PizzaStoreNY implements PizzaStore {}
class PizzaStoreObjectVille implements PizzaStore {}
class ParkingLotBig implements ParkingLot {}
class ParkingLotSmall implements ParkingLot {}
class ParkingLotCheap implements ParkingLot {}
class AdvertsAnnoying implements Adverts {}
class AdvertsBoring implements Adverts {}
class AdvertsStupid implements Adverts {}
class ShoppingMallObjectVille implements ShoppingMall {}
class ShoppingMallJavaRanch implements ShoppingMall {}
class ShoppingMallAverage implements ShoppingMall {}
class ShoppingMallOther implements ShoppingMall {}
Yes, there is no harm in combining more then one design pattern to get a problem fixed. from your design, I can see the following problems:
The interface PizzaStore
should not have all those creational methods as it does not really make sense (you are forcing all pizza stores to implement all those methods and what if a pizza store makes only veggie pizza?). A Strategy pattern says your have to have one method or abstract algorithm implemented in many different ways. This will give your the flexibility to switch algorithms and strategies at runtime.
The ´PizzaStore´ should rather look like this:
interface PizzaStore
Pizza CreatePizza();
All PizzaStore
implementations should then implement a CreatePizza
method that will return a Pizza
which should be an abstract class or an interface. Implementations/extensions of the Pizza
should then be: PizzaCheese
, PizzaVeggie
, PizzaClam
, PizzaPepperoni