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How to enforce Lua scripts runtime limit?

Running an almost trivial script in lua with dofile, 10000 times, takes about 52 seconds in this machine, but if i run 10000 times "lua52 script.lua", it takes 3 or 4 times more. I'm aware that there's more system calls involved and other overhead, but what i try to achieve is running scripts with a timeout of let's say 3 seconds, and print out the output. My problem is scripts with infinite loops, intentional or not, for example:

while(true) do

Can i make a timeout for a dofile from within Lua? Is my only option to call the interpreter each time with timeout(3)?


  • It feels a bit wrong for a novice like me to be correcting lhf on Lua matters, but here goes; passing "count" to debug.sethook is the same as passing "c" or "call", the correct mask to pass to fire the associated function after n VM instructions is "".

    As such, to restrict the runtime of code loaded from dofile(), use something like the following:

    local f = function() error("timeout") end
    local x,y = xpcall(function()
      debug.sethook(f, "", 1e8)
      local ret = dofile("script.lua")
      return ret
    end, debug.traceback)