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check errorcode with @rule in junit

I found @Rule annotation in jUnit for better handling of exception. Is there a way to check error code ?

Currently my code looks like (without @Rule):

    public void checkNullObject() {
    MyClass myClass= null;
    try {
        MyCustomClass.get(null); // it throws custom exception when null is passed
    } catch (CustomException e) { // error code is error.reason.null
        Assert.assertSame("error.reason.null", e.getInformationCode());

But with use of @Rule, I am doing following :

        public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();

        public void checkNullObject() throws CustomException {
        exception.expect(CustomException .class);
        exception.expectMessage("Input object is null.");
        MyClass myClass= null;


But, I want to do something like below:

        public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();

        public void checkNullObject() throws CustomException {
        exception.expect(CustomException .class);
       //currently below line is not legal. But I need to check errorcode.
        MyClass myClass= null;



  • You can use a custom matcher on the rule with the expect(Matcher<?> matcher) method.

    For example:

    public class ErrorCodeMatcher extends BaseMatcher<CustomException> {
      private final String expectedCode;
      public ErrorCodeMatcher(String expectedCode) {
        this.expectedCode = expectedCode;
      public boolean matches(Object item) {
        CustomException e = (CustomException)item;
        return expectedCode.equals(e.getInformationCode());

    and in the test:

    exception.expect(new ErrorCodeMatcher("error.reason.null"));