I have 2 options user can change on page made in modx rev 2.2.0
* background
* font-size
To change background and font size i used jquery, so i think the best way would be use ajax. So i would have to create 1/2 pages which add those variables to session, so if user go to a different page, background and font size stay the same. And if user visit page after few days, background and font size would stay the same.
Here is my javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var originalFontSize = $('html').css('font-size');
function background1() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg1.jpg)"); return false; }
function background2() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg2.jpg)"); return false; }
function background3() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg3.png)"); return false; }
function background4() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg4.jpg)"); return false; }
function background5() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg5.jpg)"); return false; }
function background6() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg6.jpg)"); return false; }
function background7() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg7.jpg)"); return false; }
function background8() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg8.jpg)"); return false; }
function background9() { $('.wrap').css("background","url(assets/templates/default/images/bg9.jpg)"); return false; }
function big_font() {
var currentFontSize = $('html').css('font-size');
var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*1.1;
$('html').css('font-size', newFontSize);
return false;
function small_font() {
var currentFontSize = $('html').css('font-size');
var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*0.9;
$('html').css('font-size', newFontSize);
return false;
My question is how to add variables to session in modx, and what is the best way of doing this?
Create a resource to be used as an Ajax stub, and on it place an uncached snippet containing your 'add to session' code. The snippet could be as simple as:
// example only, be sure to sanitize and add some sensible defaults here
$background = $_POST['background'];
$fontSize = $_POST['font_size'];
// write to user's session
$_SESSION['background'] = $background;
$_SESSION['fontSize'] = $fontSize;
return '';
Then use jQuery to create an Ajax call to the stub, passing the background
and font_size
params to it:
var background = 6,
fontSize = 2;
// let's assume your Ajax stub resource id is 7
$.post("[[~7]]", { background: background, font_size: fontSize } );
Note: you could tidy up all those background()
functions by using just one, something like this:
function background(n) {
var url = "assets/templates/default/images/bg"+parseInt(n)+".jpg";
return false;