How can apply ksort
to each element of $counts
array? I mean simply call this function on each row of a 2d array (not recursively).
bool array_walk(array &$array, callable $funcname [,mixed $userdata = NULL])
I've tried array_walk
passing the flag SORT_NUMERIC
as user data. This gives me a warning:
$counts = array();
$counts['group1'] = array(); // Keys are timestamps but as STRING
$counts['group2'] = array(); // Keys are timestamps but as STRING
// ...
// Array + operator does a key reordering here
$counts['group1'] += $dummyData;
$counts['group2'] += $dummyData;
// .. so sort array by keys
array_walk($counts, 'ksort', SORT_NUMERIC);
Warning: ksort() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given.
What's the third parameter?
Typically, funcname takes on two parameters. The array parameter's value being the first, and the key/index second.
If the optional userdata parameter is supplied, it will be passed as the third parameter to the callback funcname.