e.g. I want to return the name of a node, i.e. a string, thus
However when I try to evaluate it with doc.valueOf or doc.selectSingleNode, or whatever else I try I get this error:
org.dom4j.InvalidXPathException: Invalid XPath expression: /MxML/trades/trade/tradeBody/*[1]/local-name() Expected node-type
I know what its saying, I am returning a String and not a node, so how do I ask for this string?
Are you sure it works with JAXP? The expression does not look ok to me; local-name() is not a node-step.
This is fine with dom4j:
Document doc = DocumentHelper
.parseText("<x:fish xmlns:x='42'>Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish</x:fish>");
XPath xpath = new DefaultXPath("local-name(/*[1])");
Object result = xpath.evaluate(doc);
System.out.printf("Type: %s, Value: %s\n", result.getClass()
.getSimpleName(), result);
Type: String, Value: fish