I spent quite a good time twicking arround tablesorter to get it to work with values such as :"R$ 3.400,95"
Needless to say, I failed miserably. I did try to add a headers: {2: {sorter:"currency"}}
property , but it just stopped working at all.
Any one has any idea how to solve this?
The Javascript:
// set a unique id
id: 'thousands',
is: function(s) {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function(s) {
// format your data for normalization
return s.replace('$','').replace(/,/g,'');
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'
$(function() {
// call the tablesorter plugin
decimal: ",",
dateFormat: 'uk',
The other headers work fine, but that last property makes that particular header stop working.
Here is the HTML table:
<table id="ver_saida" class="tablesorter">
<th class="sorter-shortDate dateFormat-ddmmyyyy tablesorter-header">Data<span>n</span></th>
<th>Situação<span style="margin-left:2em;">n</span></th>
<tr class="pago">
<td class="datout">17/05/2012</td>
<td class="desout">atraso teste</td>
<td class="valout"> R$45,46</td>
<td class="situacao">pago</td>
<td class="delCel"><button class="deletar" href="financeiro_deletar.php?id=36">Deletar</button></td>
<tr class="npago late">
<td class="datout">13/06/2012</td>
<td class="desout">IPVA macerati</td>
<td class="valout"> R$5.565,62</td>
<td class="situacao">não pago</td>
<td class="delCel"><button class="deletar" href="financeiro_deletar.php?id=38">Deletar</button></td>
I made an experiment: if I take out the "R$" from the cell html it reads with no problem , but the thing is , I don1t know how to make it ignore the "R$" and still leave it in the table ( for readability porposes).
Modify the 'format' method with:
format: function(s) {
// format your data for normalization
return parseFloat(s.replace(/[^0-9,]/g, '').replace(',', '.'), 10);