I'm trying to implement a new grade rounding to BigDecimal class, and I'm getting a possible bug, must probably I doing something wrong. The code below exposes my problem:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BigDecimal valDouble = new BigDecimal(0.35);
valDouble = valDouble.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println(valDouble.doubleValue()); // prints 0.3
BigDecimal valString = new BigDecimal(new String("0.35"));
valString = valString.setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println(valString.doubleValue()); // prints 0.4
My doubt here is, is BigDecimal different for double and String constructors?
I can't understand this 'bug', at least, I just used a simple string concat to 'solve' it, as below:
BigDecimal valDouble = new BigDecimal("" + 0.35);
Any idea what could be causing this odd behavior?
This isn't a bug. 0.35 as a double literal represents a value that is not exactly equal to 0.35; it's likely something like 0.349999995 or something. So it rounds down.
The String constructor lets you specify 0.35 exactly using "0.35", and that rounds up.
Don't use the double
constructor here; when it matters enough to use BigDecimal
you need to stay out of floating-point land.