I created a userscript to redirect to one out of the specified multiple sites:
// ==UserScript==
// @id fvhfy464
// @name [udit]redirector to yahoo or google
// @version 1.0
// @namespace
// @author
// @description
// @include http://yahoo.com
// @include http://google.com
// @include http://bing.com
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
setTimeout(function() {
}, 4000);
But it doesn't work.
(From comments:)
I want to open multiple sites in a single tab, one after another, in a random way with a time interval of 4 seconds. It's like a screensaver of sites.
It can go forever. To stop, I just have to close the tab. And, I'll only set those sites in the @include
which I want this script to work on. It's like a screensaver of photos etc.
Put the list of sites, you want to display, into an array. Then you can key off the current page and either go to the next one in order, or pick a random next one.
For example, here is an ordered slide-show:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Multipage, MultiSite slideshow of sorts
// @match http://*.breaktaker.com/*
// @match http://*.imageshack.us/*
// @match http://static.tumblr.com/*
// @match http://withfriendship.com/images/*
// ==/UserScript==
var urlsToLoad = [
, 'http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/8105/bigcats34ye4.jpg'
, 'http://withfriendship.com/images/g/33769/1.jpg'
, 'http://static.tumblr.com/yd0wcto/LXQlx109d/bigcats.jpg'
setTimeout (GotoNextURL, 4000);
function GotoNextURL () {
var numUrls = urlsToLoad.length;
var urlIdx = urlsToLoad.indexOf (location.href);
if (urlIdx >= numUrls)
urlIdx = 0;
location.href = urlsToLoad[urlIdx];
Here's the same sites served up randomly:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Multipage, MultiSite slideshow of sorts
// @match http://*.breaktaker.com/*
// @match http://*.imageshack.us/*
// @match http://static.tumblr.com/*
// @match http://withfriendship.com/images/*
// ==/UserScript==
var urlsToLoad = [
, 'http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/8105/bigcats34ye4.jpg'
, 'http://withfriendship.com/images/g/33769/1.jpg'
, 'http://static.tumblr.com/yd0wcto/LXQlx109d/bigcats.jpg'
setTimeout (GotoRandomURL, 4000);
function GotoRandomURL () {
var numUrls = urlsToLoad.length;
var urlIdx = urlsToLoad.indexOf (location.href);
if (urlIdx >= 0) {
urlsToLoad.splice (urlIdx, 1);
urlIdx = Math.floor (Math.random () * numUrls);
location.href = urlsToLoad[urlIdx];