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Index violation on a referenced class, Morphia

I am trying to persist a one (Owner) to many (Car) relation with morphia(0.99)/mongoDB(2). When I try to persist class Car with a reference to class Owner, Morphia throws an MongoException$DuplicateKey exception. This is strange since I thought that cascade persisting didn't existed in morphia.

Why is morphia throwing a duplicate key exception for index *index_username* on the referenced class Owner when I persist Car?


@Entity(noClassnameStored=true, value="base")
public class Base {

    private ObjectId id;

@Entity(value = "owner", noClassnameStored = true)
public class Owner extends Base {

    @Indexed(value = IndexDirection.ASC, unique=true, dropDups=true, name="index_username")
    private String userName;

    private Set<Car> cars = new HashSet<Car>();

@Entity(value="car", noClassnameStored=true)
public class Car extends Base{
    private Owner owner




com.mongodb.MongoException$DuplicateKey: E11000 duplicate key error index:$index_username  dup key: { : null }


  • You can't add more than one null reference. Either add a value for all entities (up to 1 may be null) or set sparse=true on the index so you can have unique values, but allow multiple null