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playing audio when apps running

I've been trying lately to get my app to play a sound from when it open to when its closed and I'm have difficulty. I have some code on playing a sound when I press a button and it's fine I'm just wondering if there is any tweaks I could do to make it play on its own and from the start or is there a way I could say press play and make the sound loop why I'm playing the game.


#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>

    - (IBAction)t1:(id)sender;


- (IBAction)t1:(id)sender {

    CFBundleRef mainbundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
    CFURLRef soundFileUrlRef;
    soundFileUrlRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainbundle, (CFStringRef) @"t1", CFSTR ("wav"), NULL); 
    UInt32 soundID;
    AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundFileUrlRef, &soundID);


  • how about trying AVAudioPlayer and turning on the continuous playback by setting number of loops to -1:

        myPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1
        [myPlayer prepareToPlay];
        [myPlayer play];
        //when application did enter background or something
        [myPlayer stop];

    Also make sure your Audio Sessions are set properly for background playback: