First time I ever ask a question here so correct me if I´m doing it wrong.
Every time I move a piece it lags for about 1 second. Every piece and tile has an Image and there is exactly 96 Images. Every time I move a piece it clears everything with black and then update the graphics.
In the early stages of the chess I didn't have any Images and used different colors instead and only a few pieces there was no noticeable lag and the piece moved in an instant.
public void updateGraphics(PaintEventArgs e, Graphics g, Bitmap frame)
g = Graphics.FromImage(frame);
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(frame, 0, 0);
The function colorMap(g) looks like this:
private void colorMap(Graphics g)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
Bundle.tile[x, y].colorBody(g, x, y);
The colorAll function executes every pieces colorBody(g) function which look like this:
public void colorBody(Graphics g)
//base.colorBody() does the following: body = new Rectangle(x * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, y * SomeInts.size + SomeInts.size / 4, size, size);
if (team == 1)
//If its a white queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/white/queen.png");
if (team == 2)
//If its a black queen
image = Image.FromFile("textures/piece/black/queen.png");
g.DrawImage(image, body);
and finaly the function that moves the piece:
public void movePiece(MouseEventArgs e)
for (int y = 0; y < SomeInts.amount; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < SomeInts.amount; x++)
if (Bundle.tile[x, y].body.Contains(e.Location))
//Ignore this
for (int i = 0; i < queens.Count; i++)
Queen temp = queens.ElementAt<Queen>(i);
temp.move(x, y);
player1.move(x, y);
player2.move(x, y);
Thank you for reading all this! I could make a link to the whole program if my coding examples is not enough.
You're calling Image.FromFile
in every refresh, for every image - effectively reloading every image file every time from disk.
Have you considered loading the images once, and storing the resulting Image
s somewhere useful? (say, an array, Image[2,6]
would be adequate)