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Is it Possible to have Dynamic - On-The-Fly DeploymentItems?

I want to write tests to check the existance (and other stuff) of certain files that will be shipped with our project.

This is what I have right now:

public class DoFilesExist
    List<string> _Files;

    public DoFilesExist()
        _Files = new List<string>();

    delegate void fileTest(string fileName);

    void Map(fileTest test)
        foreach (string file in _Files)

    public void TestExists()
        Map( x => Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(x), x + " doesn't exist") );

As you can see, when I want to add another file to test, I have to add to the [DeploymentItem] and the _Files List

Is there a way to Dynamically Change the DeploymentItems? Or to grab from them during run time. I will probably end up having over 30 files here, and I do not want two lists.

Thanks in advance!


  • It looks like you're mainly testing whether [DeploymentItem] works... after all - it isn't [DeploymentItem] that defines your actual deployment.

    Personally, this is something I despise about MSTest; .NET projects already have a way to define deployment data - the project! By introducing a second method, it introduces both duplication and risk. One of the reasons I use NUnit instead of MSTest, even though I have a VSTS license </rant>.

    Re the question; you could use reflection to look at the DeploymentItem markers, but I'm really not sure what this is testing, other than the test framework itself...