First of all sorry for my English but I'm Italian.
Now... i'm working with motion chart and geochart without a problem, but bubblechart seems that have his way to do things.
I use several chart on my page, some are hidden (display:none) other not, but when i hide bubblechart his dimension change at 400x200 when i wrote on the code 900x600.
This is the code i use with other graph flawlessly:
<div style="width: 100%; clear: left; display: none" id="religioni-frame">
<div style="width: 50%; float: left; text-align: center">
<div id="religione-bubble" style="width: 650px; height: 360px;margin: 0 auto"></div>
<div style="width: 50%; float: left; text-align: center;">
<div id="religioni" style="width: 650px; height: 360px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
but when i use it on bubblechart everything fall apart... and i get a 400x200 stamp...
<div style="height: 900px;display: none" id="bubble-frame">
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 400px;"></div>
if i use it without display:none it takes the right dimensions.
<div style="height: 900px;display: inline" id="bubble-frame">
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 400px;"></div>
here it's a test page Solutions?
Sorry for my english, I'm italian too..
it's better that you always specify width and height
change the "options" line of code like this
var options = {width: 500, height: 900,
colorAxis: {colors: ['yellow', 'red']}
et voilà