Bob Glickstein describes in "Writing GNU Emacs Extensions", chapter 3, a way to advise scroll functions. (He suggests to make them reversible, so we have to save the state before scrolling.)
E.g. for scroll-up-command this advising is done like so
(defadvice scroll-up-command (before reversibilate activate compile)
"If it wants to be reversible, it must save the former state."
Well. I of course have to do this to all of the scroll commands. So I'd like to make a sequence of them, and want to advise them together.
(setq reversible-scroll-commands
(I use a vector to save 5 quotes.)
But now I'm stuck.
(lambda (fun-name)
(defadvice fun-name (before reversibilate activate compile)
"If it wants to be reversible, it must save the former state."
will advise the (non existing) function fun-name four times, as defadvice is a macro, and doesn't evaluate fun-name.
Is there any way to do it?
(I'm using Emacs 24)
(lambda (fun-name)
(eval `(defadvice ,fun-name (before reversibilate activate compile)
"If it wants to be reversible, it must save the former state."
See the section about backquotes in the elisp manual.