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How to write a jXLS template and where to write it

I'm trying to use jXLS to export data from a list to an Excel sheet. I need to create an Excel template using jXLS and print out a list of data using that template. I have a Bean class called Department and I need to use a forEach statement to loop through the list and write data to the Excel sheet.

Can someone please tell me how and where I can write my Excel template? I know my code inside should look something like this -

            <jx:forEach items="${departments}" var="department">
                ${} | ${department.chief}


  • You need to create an Excel Template file where in you define your basic structure which you need to repeat for number of objects in the collection.

    The code

    <jx:forEach items="${departments}" var="department">
                    ${} | ${department.chief}

    will go in that template excel.

    Then you need to use JXLS API in java code to generated the excel from this template.

    Map contextBeans = new HashMap();
    contextBeans.put("departments", departmentList);
    xlsTransformer.transformXLS(xlsTemplateFileURL.getPath(), contextBeans, reportFileURL.getPath());

    This code will create the excel file out of the template file populated with the collection loaded in contextBeans Map.