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Why does boost not have a make_scoped()?

Boost's make_shared() function promises to be exception-safe while attempting to create a shared_ptr.

Why is there no make_scoped() equivalent? Is there a common best practice?

Here's a code example from the boost::scoped_ptr documentation that seems unsafe to me:

    boost::scoped_ptr<Shoe> x(new Shoe);

This line of code will do these three things in order:

  • Allocate heap memory for Shoe
  • Call the constructor for Shoe
  • Call the constructor for boost::scoped_ptr<Shoe>

If the constructor for Shoe throws an exception, memory will be leaked. (see R. Martinho Fernandes answer) The scoped_ptr won't handle the deallocation because it hasn't been constructed yet.

Is this an oversight? Or is there a solution that I've failed to notice?


  • If the constructor fails, no memory is leaked. That's part of the semantics of new, no smart pointers involved:

    struct Foo { Foo() { throw 23; } };
    new Foo(); // no memory leaked

    The added exception safety provided by make_shared comes from when you're initializing two shared_ptrs in an expression and the two initializations are not sequenced, as is the case in function call arguments:

    struct Bar {
        Bar(bool fail) {
            if(fail) throw 17;
    f(shared_ptr<Bar>(new Bar(true)), shared_ptr<Bar>(new Bar(false)));

    Since there is no sequencing between the evaluations of new Bar(true), shared_ptr<Bar>(new Bar(true)), new Bar(false) and shared_ptr<Bar>(new Bar(false)), the following could happen:

    1. new Bar(false) is evaluated and succeeds: memory is allocated;
    2. new Bar(true) is evaluated and fails: it doesn't leak memory resulting from this evaluation;

    No shared_ptr was constructed at this time, and so the memory allocated in #1 is now leaked.