Given that the web application doesn't have su privileges, I'd like to execute a shell script that requires sudo. I'd also like to avoid having the user input the password. What are my options? This is basically what I'm trying to do.
protected void onSubmit() {
try {
Shell.updateIp("eth0", "");
} catch (IOException e) {
public static void updateIp(String ethernetInterface, String ip) throws IOException {
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("/home/keeboi/Desktop/", ethernetInterface, ip);
Process child = builder.start();
} executes a runnable jar.
sudo java -jar changeip.jar $1 $2
And I'm getting:
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts
Again, I'd like to emphasize that the web app isn't given any su privileges and I'd like to avoid asking the user for password.
I've already tried adding keeboi ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/keeboi/Desktop/
to my /etc/sudoers
but it still requires a password.
Added keeboi ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/keeboi/Desktop/changeip.jar
too, no dice.
just add NOPASSWD
in /etc/sudoers:
user ALL = NOPASSWD: /home/keeboi/Desktop/
That switches password check off.