I have a method
public boolean findANDsetText (String Description, String ... extra ) {
inside I want to call another method and pass it extras
but I want to add new element (Description) to extras.
object_for_text = getObject(find_arguments,extra);
How can I do that in java? What would the code look like?
I tired to accommodate code from this question but couldn't make it work.
is just a String
array. As such:
List<String> extrasList = Arrays.asList(extra);
getObject(find_arguments, extrasList.toArray());
You may need to mess with the generic type of extrasList.toArray()
You can be faster but more verbose:
String[] extraWithDescription = new String[extra.length + 1];
int i = 0;
for(; i < extra.length; ++i) {
extraWithDescription[i] = extra[i];
extraWithDescription[i] = description;
getObject(find_arguments, extraWithDescription);