How to add the @Override
annotation to a method while creating the class using javaassist?
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass ctClasz = pool.makeClass("test.ExampleImpl");
CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.make ("@Override public void print() { System.out.println(\"Hello! \"); }", ctClasz);
System.out.println("Implementd: Interfaces:" + ctClasz.getInterfaces());
System.out.println("Methods: " + ctClasz.getMethods());
This code is throwing exception as follows:
Exception in thread "main" javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error
near "@Override p"
at javassist.CtNewMethod.make(
at javassist.CtNewMethod.make(
at javaassist.Demo.main(
Caused by: compile error: syntax error near "@Override p"
at javassist.compiler.Parser.parseClassType(
at javassist.compiler.Parser.parseFormalType(
at javassist.compiler.Parser.parseMember1(
at javassist.compiler.Javac.compile(
at javassist.CtNewMethod.make(
... 2 more
isn't a runtime annotation so even if you could add it, it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.
For annotations that do have a runtime effect (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
), you can take a look at this question.