All I'm trying to do is generate a JNI Header file using JDK Javah.exe program, but no matter what I try I keep getting the error message "Error: could not find class file for 'ddg.ndkTest.NativeLib'" (where ddg.ndkTest is the namespace and NativeLib is the java class file). Also, please note that to simplify the process further, I've copied my entire Android project to the Java directory.
I've tried the following commands, none of which have worked:
javah -jni ddg.ndkTest.NativeLib
javah -verbose -jni -classpath \NDKTest\bin\classes ddg.ndkTest.NativeLib
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin>javah.exe -jni -classpath \NDKTest\bin\classes\ ddg.ndkTest.NativeLib
If my package is called; "ddg.ndkTest", and my class is; "", and my classpath above is correct. What should I write in my command window?
Try this:
javah ddg.ndkTest.NativeLib