I am trying to set up Cobertura code coverage on a project which includes auto-generated code, created from templates using Freemarker (explicitly, using the fmpp maven plugin).
I then have unit tests for those auto-generated classes.
However, these unit tests are not being considered by Cobertura when calculating code coverage. The auto-generated classes appear in the report, but the coverage on those classes is always 0%.
First, is there some configuration for Cobertura that I'm missing?
This SO question appears to have been asking a similar question, but the accepted answer is that:
Generated code should not be tested and should not be used in code coverage metrics.
This does not seem right to me - I think I should be testing the generated code (both to test the generated classes and the templates), and I want to know how the code coverage for this generated code.
So, second, is there a good reason why generated code shouldn't be tested?
Edit: It's also relevant to mention that I am using cobertura using the cobertura-maven-plugin. As such, I'm not sure if the problem is with cobertura or the maven-plugin (or my configuration thereof...)
N.b. to be clear, I am not asking about auto-generating the test classes. These are manually written, to test the classes created from templates.
This is a partial answer to report what I've learnt so far...
First, I've had a look at how cobertura works, and it seems to be as follows:
So, my first thought was that the auto-generated classes were not being instrumented properly. However, after decompiling these cobertura class files, I can confirm that both normal and auto-generated classes have been instrumented correctly.
Also, I can confirm that all the tests - including the tests of the auto-generated classes are being run.
Then, my next question is why, when the tests are run, the auto-generated classes are not being 'touched'. Further investigation showed that when the test classes were being compiled (i.e. test-compile), the auto-generated classes are added to project/target/test-classes. A simple test to print the file location of an auto-generated class (e.g. System.out.println(MyAutoClass.class.getResource("MyAutoClass.class"));
) confirmed that when the tests are run by cobertura, it uses the auto-generated classes in the test-classes folder, and not the cobertura compiled classes that had been instrumented.
Then, the next question is how to prevent these classes being added to the test-classes folder...? Well, one approach is to exclude the auto-generated classes from being compiled. This can be done by only including the Test classes - e.g.:
Or it should be possible to exclude the auto-generated classes (which would be preferred) - something along the lines of:
However, this didn't work, and I'm not quite sure how to get this to work.
An alternative could be to move all the auto-generated classes into a single package, and then something like the following could be possible:
In the end, I went for the only including *Test.java