I'm looking at a project involving online (streaming) data. I want to work with a sliding window of that data. For example, say that I want to hold 10 values in my vector. When value 11 comes in, I want to drop value 1, shift everything over, and then place value 11 where value 10 was.
The long way would be something like the following:
int n = 9;
thrust::device_vector<float> val;
// Shift left
for(int i=0; i != n-1; i++){
val[i] = val[i+1];
// add the new value to the last position
val[n] = newValue;
Is there a "fast" way to do this with thrust? The project I'm looking at will have around 500 vectors that will need this operation done simultaneously.
As I have said, Ring buffer is what you need. No need to shift there, only one counter and a fixed size array.
Let's think how we may deal with 500 of ring buffers.
If you want to have 500 (let it be 512) sliding windows and process them all on the GPU, then you might pack them into one big 2D texture, where each column is an array of samples for the same moment.
If you're getting new samples for each of the vector at once (I mean one new sample for each 512 buffers at one processing step), then this "ring texture" (like a cylinder) only needs to be updated once (upload the array of new samples at each step) and you need just one counter.