Our live setup uses IIS and virtual directories to access things like images or pdfs stored on a another server. We are trying to set-up something similar using the built-in webserver with the development edition of CF9.
So far I can successfully use cfdirectory to dump what files are on that remote source, which I had to make the CF9 app server log-on as me to do.
I can copy the folder from the remote server to my local PC and add a virtual-mapping entry to jrun-web.xml and that works fine, though this is not ideal for our purposes.
However I cannot map directly to that remote server. I tried
And I tried mapping a network drive
All of which result in 404s on anything inside /login/images/directory/
Dev should mirror production in my opinion. It avoids going live with indorseen issues. I would highly recommend using IIS in db as you have in live.