I'am loading some html with a request and use it as a template for all other items.
My code is:
this.content.each(function(task) {
//more code
item = itemDummy.clone();
detailBox = item.getElement('.descriptionBox');
detailBox.id = "description" + task.id;
//detailBox.toggle ()
//open it on click
item.addEvent("click", function() {
new Fx.Slide("description" + task.id).toggle();
//more code
If the line detailBox.toggle ()
is activated, my box doesn't show, but the Fx animation dont' work (the box never appears visible).
But when I set s this line commented the detailBox is shown and the toggle animation is working, but I want a hidden box at the beginning.
But when I set this line as a comment, the detailBox is displayed and the toggle animation is working, but I want the Box invisible to start with
Following Johan comment it works after the inject:
detailBoxIds.each(function (id) {
new Fx.Slide(id).hide();
//instead of $$(id).hide () or $$(id).toggle ()
//a direct toogle/hide hides the element, but the Fx.Slide can't open it again
$$('.taksItemWraper').addEvent ("click", function () {
var id = this.getElement('.descriptionBox').id;
new Fx.Slide(id, {