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How can I return a specific DataRow Object from an object context?

I'm working with Entity Framework and Silverlight (RIA) and am looking at creating a function to expand on the CRUD to allow for the user to specify a specific column name, and then a matching value to pinpoint an exact record... The code would look something like this...

public IQueryable<Category> GetCategory(string theColumn, string theCriteria)
      return this.ObjectContext.Categories
                .Where(c => c.theColumn = theCriteria);

The similar working function to get ALL categories... (Created by building after associating a data model)

    public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories()
        return this.ObjectContext.Categories;

Thanks in advance!


  • I have built something similar to what you are looking to construct. I built around using Expression trees from System.Linq.Expressions. So I would suggest that you build your where predicate using an expression tree where the predicate has the signature of Expression<Func<T,bool>>.

    Some pseudo code below where T is a WCF RIA entity:

    public static class QueryHelper
      public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> ToPredicate<T> ( string propertyName, dynamic criteria )
            ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter( typeof( T ), "t" );
            Expression np = Expression.Property( pe, propertyName );
            ConstantExpression value = Expression.Constant( criteria );
            Expression e1 = Expression.Equal( np, value );
            var filter = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>( e1, pe );
            return filter;

    Which could then be used like:

    var selector = QueryHelper.ToPredicate<Category>("theColumn", "hello");
    return this.ObjectContext.Categories.Where(selector);     
    LoadOperation<Employee> loader = context.Load( context.GetEmployeesQuery()
                                            .Where( selector ) );
    loader.Completed += (op) =>
        if ( !op.HasErrors)


    var selector = QueryHelper.ToPredicate<Category>("theColumn", true);
    return this.ObjectContext.Categories.Where(selector); 

    One thing to note is the line Expression e1 = Expression.Equal( np, value ); in the function. You could extend this function to do >, <, =>, etc but you would need to check that the property type you were using supported the operator.

    Hope this helps.