In my webapp; WEB-INF/lib is added in classpath by default which is fine. Now, I want to add spring jar files in my tomcat's classpath. If I put all the jar files inside WEB-INF/lib; it works fine. But if I want to add a directory WEB-INF/lib/spring and put all jar files inside spring directory ; it doesnt work. How can I include WEB-INF/lib/spring in classpath.
I would prefer to make changes in web.xml as that is very localised to my webapp. Surely I will not want to make changes in because there all the jar files are loaded in JVM ( not just added in classpath )
You shouldn't care about how the jar files are segregated into the war file: it's only used by the container. Segregating the jar files could be useful in your source project. But then you just need to have a build process (using ant, gradle, whatever) that copies all the jar files from all the subdirectories into WEB-INF/lib
. Using ant:
<copy todir="web/WEB-INF/lib" flatten="true">
<fileset dir="lib">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>