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turn off sounds in app using ui switch xcode

Trying to add the facility for user to turn off all sounds in my app using a ui switch. (User preferences)

- (IBAction)toggleaudio:(id)sender {

    if (switchtoggle.on)
        [self.????? play];
    else {
        [self.?????? stop];

I'm unsure what to put where the question marks are in my code. What I've tried just gives me errors. If there's a better solution I'm open to suggestions.

My code for the audio:

CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef soundFileURLRef;
soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, (CFStringRef) @"btn2", CFSTR 
                                      ("mp3"), NULL);
UInt32 soundID;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID (soundFileURLRef, &soundID);
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (soundID);


  • Fixed this using NS User Defaults