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Failure to show toolstrip

I am attempting to add a simple toolstrip however I can't get it to show up on the screen here is all the code pertaining to it. Did I leave anything out?


  protected ToolStrip _commandToolStrip = new ToolStrip();

In the Constructor

     _commandToolStrip.Visible = true;

The Methods:

  private void FillToolBar()

     _commandToolStrip.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
     _commandToolStrip.Visible = true;
     ToolStripButton commandButton = new ToolStripButton("test", convertIconToImage((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"))), Command_NextWebPattern_Execute);

   private Image convertIconToImage(Icon icon)
      Bitmap bm = icon.ToBitmap();
      Image convertedImage = bm;
      return convertedImage;

I cant seem to find any reason why it doesn't show.


  • Found the problem almost as soon as I posted the question.. Lol

    I needed to be sure that the parent was set to my form

    The ToolStrip Parent was never set. I will leave the question up for anyone else who makes the same dumb mistake :P