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Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android

I want to detect when a Preference contained in a ListView gets clicked, so that I can launch an intent to manage that selection.

I would have done like this in my layout XML file:

<Preference android:title="About" android:key="myKey"></Preference>

And the following in my java code:

Preference myPref = (Preference) findPreference("myKey");
myPref.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new OnPreferenceClickListener() {
             public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) {
                 //open browser or intent here

But the method public Preference findPreference (CharSequence key) is deprecated.

  1. Is there a non deprecated equivalent?
  2. If not, what if I use it anyway?
  3. How can Fragments help me do my task in a better way? Check here: Preferences without deprecated methods.

Here you can check the XML layout structure that my activity has, and a snapshot of the application:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="" >






After clicking on the About (or Access Label Taxonomy) Preference, I'd like to open an intent of some kind (could also be a video or anything else...the names are misleading).


  • Is there a non deprecated equivalent?

    If you are using PreferenceFragment on API Level 11+ devices, you would call findPreference() on it. Otherwise, call findPreference() on your PreferenceActivity, as you have no choice.

    If not, what if I use it anyway?

    It will work.

    How can Fragments help me do my task in a better way?

    API Level 11+ introduced PreferenceFragment as another way of constructing the contents of a PreferenceActivity. You are welcome to use them, but if you are still supporting older devices, you cannot use PreferenceFragment for those devices.

    That being said:

    I want to detect when a Preference contained in a ListView gets clicked, so that I can launch an intent to manage that selection.

    You do not need Java code for this. Use:

            <intent android:action="android.intent.action.VIEW"
                    android:data="" />

    (as seen in the JavaDocs for PreferenceActivity)

    This will create an entry in the preference UI that, when clicked, will start an activity with the specified Intent.