I have the following code but although I can access a property and retrieve a value
in BeforeInstall, the same property returns "" in OnCommitted.
Where does this data go, how does it gets wiped, where can I find a breakdown of the order of each of these methods and what gets passed where?
public partial class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer
public string ServiceName { get; protected set; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public ProjectInstaller()
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savedState"></param>
protected override void OnBeforeInstall(IDictionary savedState)
this.ServiceName = this.Context.Parameters["SERVICENAME"].ToString();
this.serviceInstaller1.ServiceName = this.ServiceName;
this.serviceInstaller1.DisplayName = this.ServiceName;
/// <summary>
/// /
/// </summary>
/// <param name="savedState"></param>
protected override void OnCommitted(IDictionary savedState)
string targetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Context.Parameters["AssemblyPath"]); ;
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetDirectory, "Services.Win32.exe.config");
System.Xml.XmlDocument xDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
System.Xml.XmlNode node = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/applicationSettings/Services.Win32.Properties.Settings/setting[@name='TaskManagerServiceName']/value");
node.InnerText = (this.ServiceName); // here this.ServiceName is "" so was this.Context.Parameters[""SERVICENAME"] when i was using that
The easiest, cleanest and most robust solution is to not use an installer class custom action to install a service. Use Windows Installer's built in mechansim: the ServiceInstall table.
The problem is you are likely using Visual Studio Deployment Projects which don't expose this capability. No problem. Use Windows Installer XML to author a Merge Module that encapsulates your XE/Service component. Then add this merge module to your VDPROJ installer.
See the following articles for ideas on how to wire this up:
Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Certificates
Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Windows Services