kaazing publishBasic pass json data and catch it in node.js
Below is the code to publish Data to RabbitMQ via kaazing AMQP librarry
var body = new ByteBuffer();
body.putString("new_bidder", Charset.UTF8);
var headers = {};
publishChannel.publishBasic(body, headers, consumeExchange, "server.aa.bb", false, false);
Here is the code to catch the data in node.js
q.subscribe(function (message) {
// Print messages to stdout
var msg = message.toString('UTF-8');
// console.log(message);
Problem is that publishBasic function expect body in bytes and i want to pass json and get that json in node.js
any help will be hightly appreciated.
Just use JSON.stringify.
var myObject = {
bidder : "new_bidder",
property2 : property2_value,
var body = new ByteBuffer();
body.putString(JSON.stringify(myObject), Charset.UTF8);
publishChannel.publishBasic(body, headers, consumeExchange, "server.aa.bb", false, false);
And in Node.JS, you use JSON.parse:
q.subscribe(function (message) {
var msg = message.toString('UTF-8');
// Print messages to stdout
// now convert back to JSON object so you can use in your code
var myObject = new Object();
myObject = JSON.parse(msg);