How do you include a hyperlink (URL) in a PDF that links to an external site?
Using a simple string like "", a link is automatically generated. But, how can I use a URL like <a href="">Click here</a>
If I use this HTML string, Jaspers create a link but also shows the code.
Using JasperReports 4.0.4 and iReport 4.5.1.
To make a textField a hyperlink to an external URL, you need to add the attribute hyperlinkType="Reference"
to the element, and add a <hyperlinkReferenceExpression>
tag within it. The reference expression is where you put the URL.
For example:
<textField hyperlinkType="Reference" hyperlinkTarget="Blank">
<reportElement x="5" y="5" width="200" height="15"/>
<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Click Here!"]]></textFieldExpression>
The hyperlinkTarget
attribute behaves in the same way as the target
attribute in HTML.
Note that only textFields, images, and charts can be hyperlinked in this way.