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Vector deserialization by using lift-json

How can i deserialize json array using lift-json to scala vector?

For example:

case class Foo(bar: Vector[Bar])

trait Bar {
   def value: Int

case class Bar1(value: Int) extends Bar

case class Bar2(value: Int) extends Bar    

import net.liftweb.json.{ShortTypeHints, Serialization, DefaultFormats}

implicit val formats = new DefaultFormats {
  override val typeHintFieldName = "type"
  override val typeHints = ShortTypeHints(List(classOf[Foo],classOf[Bar1],classOf[Bar2]))

println(Serialization.writePretty(Foo(Vector(Bar1(1), Bar2(5), Bar1(1)))))

The result is:


Good. But when i try to deserialize this string

println([Foo](Serialization.writePretty(Foo(Vector(Bar1(1), Bar2(5), Bar1(1))))))

i get an exception:

net.liftweb.json.MappingException: Parsed JSON values do not match with class constructor args=List(Bar1(1), Bar2(5), Bar1(1)) arg types=scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon constructor=public test.Foo(scala.collection.immutable.Vector)

It's means that json array associated with scala list, not vector type that defined in class Foo. I know that there is way to create custom serializer by extending net.liftweb.json.Serializer and include it to formats value. But how can i restore type of objects that stores in Vector. I wanna get result of deserializing like this:

Foo(Vector(Bar1(1), Bar2(5), Bar1(1)))


  • I've often been annoyed by the List-centricness of Lift, and have found myself needing to do similar things in the past. The following is the approach I've used, adapted a bit for your example:

    trait Bar { def value: Int }
    case class Bar1(value: Int) extends Bar
    case class Bar2(value: Int) extends Bar
    case class Foo(bar: Vector[Bar])
    import net.liftweb.json._
    implicit val formats = new DefaultFormats { outer =>
      override val typeHintFieldName = "type"
      override val typeHints =
        ShortTypeHints(classOf[Bar1] :: classOf[Bar2] :: Nil) +
        new ShortTypeHints(classOf[Foo] :: Nil) {
          val FooName = this.hintFor(classOf[Foo])
          override def deserialize = {
            case (FooName, foo) => foo \ "bar" match {
              case JArray(bars) => Foo(
      [Bar](outer, manifest[Bar]))(collection.breakOut)
              case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Not really a Foo.")

    Kind of ugly, and could probably be cleaned up a bit, but it works.