I am trying to write a small program, which would read the context of a txt file and sent it to Spotlight Web service in order to get semantic annotations (in text\html output format). Unfortunately, only a fragment of entities are “recognised” in comparison to Spotlight Demo.For example, using my program ,for a text like "Ridley Scott directed a number of movies including Alien , Terminator and Blade Runner" I am getting a response where "movies" and "Alien" are not annotated where in the demo they are. The same happens for larger texts.I was having a similar problem with OpenCalais WebService, but this was because I was trying to encode the input text using the command
input = URLEncoder.encode(input, "UTF-8");
Once I comment this out, the problem was solved.Unfortunately this is not the case here.
It would help if you posted the results obtained with the demo and with your program, alongside parameters used in the demo interface, so that we could try to understand what is happening. Without more info I am not sure I can help.
But let's do some guessing. I think it is one of these things: